Funds Global MENA

About the author

BAHRAIN IN FOCUS: Steady as she goes

A conservative regulatory regime has seen Bahrain fare well in the aftermath of the financial crisis, but what should be done to attract the...


Nicholas Pratt talks to the QFCA’s Shashank Srivastava about Qatar’s ambitions as a financial centre for the Middle East and the plan to develop...

ROUNDTABLE: Back of house (part 2)

As asset management plays an ever greater role in the Gulf states, asset servicers discuss the evolution of operational and regulatory processes. (part 2) Craig...

ROUNDTABLE: Back of house (part 2)

As asset management plays an ever greater role in the Gulf states, asset servicers discuss the evolution of operational and regulatory processes. (part 2) Craig...

ROUNDTABLE: Back of house (part 1)

As asset management plays an ever greater role in the Gulf states, asset servicers discuss the evolution of operational and regulatory processes. (part 1) Craig...

ROUNDTABLE: Back of house (part 1)

As asset management plays an ever greater role in the Gulf states, asset servicers discuss the evolution of operational and regulatory processes. (part 1) Craig...

Emad Masour, CEO at QFIB

Funds Global talks to Emad Mansour of QFIB about the bank’s plans to bring some much needed variety to the sharia funds market through...

Stephane Battistella, director distribution at AXA IM Qatar

Funds Global talks to Stephane Battistella of Axa IM Qatar about being the first international asset manager to establish its Middle East headquarters in...

Yousuf Al-Jaida, head of asset management at QFCA

Funds Global talks to the QFC Authority’s head of asset management, Yousuf Al-Jaida, about the development of the industry and the plans for the...

NORTH AFRICA: Out of Africa

Over the past decade fund manufacturers, both in the West and Middle East, have created and distributed their own versions of Mena funds. However, most...

HEDGE FUNDS: Catch you if you fall

Mena'€™s fledgling hedge fund industry has an opportunity to prove that absolute-return managers can protect clients from downside risk, finds Nick Fitzpatrick. The eagerly awaited...

SPONSORED PROFILE: Safety in the Citi

Citi's investment in its Middle East and North Africa custody and asset servicing business, which supports investors'€™, intermediaries'€™ and fund managers'€™ operations, is showing...

